Wednesday, November 6, 2013

[12wbt] Let's go again!

So we have come to the end of 12wbt 2013 Round 3. Before the round started, a colleague of mine got a DEXA Scan and I thought it would be a great idea to do the same before the round and one more again after the round. Well, today I had my second scan and I have to say that I am very surprised by the results!

I can't say that I've stuck to to food component of the program all that well - even after three rounds, my willpower to say no to stuffing my face with greasy goodness is still pretty weak. But I kept to the training program almost to the T, missing out on couple of weeks due to sickness. It was only in the last six weeks of Round 3 that I really buckled down and tried to stick to the meal plans. Even then, that usually meant being saint-like from Mondays - Thursdays and being pretty lax on the weekends. 

But overall, DEXA Scan says 1.5kg fat loss and 1.2kg muscle gain, which resulted in an overall 2.5% fat reduction (24.9% from 27.4%). Nothing to sneeze at and imagine what could be achieved if I was actually that little bit more disciplined with my eating. 

So, I'm all signed up for 12wbt 2013 Round 4. I have a 4 week holiday squeezed in there so here goes to getting bigger and better results and becoming more disciplined in order to achieve the goal!

xoxo me

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